The Effect of Reactive Neuromuscular Training Versus General Warm-up on Proprioception and Balance in Female Handball Players with Rounded Shoulder
RNT in rounded shoulder
Backgrounds: the aim of this study was to compare the immediate effects of a session of Reactive Neuromuscular Training (RNT) with warming up exercises on shoulder proprioception and dynamic balance in female handball players with shoulder impingement.
Methods: In this controlled laboratory study, 18 female adolescent handball players from 14 to 18 years old were recruited from Samen City. The participants participated once in the warm-up routine program and once in the RNT program. Before and after each exercise program, shoulder proprioception was measured by photogrammetry, and dynamic balance of the upper limb was measured using the Wye balance test. The paired t-tests, with a significance level of 0.05, were employed to compare pre-test and post-test data.
Results: both exercise protocols had no significant effects on shoulder repositioning error (P>0.05). However, participation in both exercise programs resulted in a significant improvement in the dynamic balance score of the upper limbs of the athletes (P<0.001). Moreover, no significant differences were observed between the effect of routine handball exercises with the effect of RNT exercises on shoulder repositioning and dynamic balance in female handball players (P>0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that routine warm-up exercises and RNT could not improve proprioception in the shoulders of student-athletes with round shoulders. However, both training methods caused a significant improvement in the dynamic balance of the upper limb, although there was no significant difference between the effects of the two methods.
Keywords: Students, Female, Proprioception, Shoulder, Therapeutic Exercises
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Students Female Proprioception Shoulder Therapeutic Exercises |
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