Case Report

Spontaneous Fractures or Physical Abuse?


Spontaneous fractures occur in patients with Paget disease, Multiple myelomas, and osseous metastasis. Furthermore, spontaneous fractures may be the result of physiological pressure and stress on bones with reduced elastic tenacity. In this report, we have introduced an elderly patient with multiple significant fractures without any history of a major trauma. In the discussion, we have considered important issues around the topic.

IssueVol 2, No 3 (2016) QRcode
SectionCase Report
Spontaneous Fracture Elderly Physical Abuse

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How to Cite
Kazemian GH, Manafi Rasi A, Amoozadeh Omrani F, Yamrali A. Spontaneous Fractures or Physical Abuse?. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2016;2(3).