Research Articles

Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Femoral Head Fractures: Insights from a Single-Center Retrospective Analysis


Background: This study evaluates the radiologic and functional outcomes of femoral head fractures, focusing on the correlations between radiologic parameters and complications.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 26 Pipkin fractures. Complications and outcomes were documented, with measurements taken for head-neck ratio, surface ratio in multiple planes, and head volume for further analysis.

Results: Associated injuries were observed in 65.38% of cases. Osteoarthritis developed in 61.53%, avascular necrosis of the femoral head in 50%, and heterotopic ossification in 26.92%. According to the Epstein scale, among the 26 patients, seven (26.92%) rated their outcomes as excellent, 11 (42.30%) as good, five (19.23%) as fair, and three (11.53%) as poor. Our findings indicate that head volume ratio, differences in head-neck ratio, and surface ratios in various planes correlate with late complications. Specifically, osteoarthritis was associated with the sagittal surface ratio (P=0.026) and coronal surface ratio (P=0.034) in Type II fractures, while in Type IV fractures, it correlated with the axial surface ratio (P=0.023), head volume (P=0.020), and differences in head-neck ratio (P=0.017). Heterotopic ossification was linked to head volume ratio (P=0.028) in Type II, and to coronal surface ratio (P=0.017) and differences in head-neck ratio (P<0.001) in Type IV. Avascular necrosis correlated with differences in head-neck ratio (P=0.041) in Type IV, and with head volume ratio (P=0.012) and sagittal surface ratio (P=0.012) in Type II.

Conclusion: In summary, head-neck ratio, head volume ratio, and surface ratios are predictive of late complications following femoral head fractures.

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IssueVol 11 No 1 (2025) QRcode
SectionResearch Articles
femoral head fracture heterotopic ossification avascular necrosis post-traumatic arthritis surgical hip dislocation

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How to Cite
Zandi R, Keyhaninejad N, Talebi S, Nodehi S, Ehsani A. Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Femoral Head Fractures: Insights from a Single-Center Retrospective Analysis. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2025;11(1):27-31.