Research Articles

Evaluation of Changes in Antioxidant Factors and Albumin Level Following the Administration of a Controlled-Releasing Drug Delivery System of Chitosan Hydrogel Loaded with Buprenorphine and Ketorolac in an Experimental Bone Defect in the Tibia of the Rat


Background: In the present study, the effectiveness of a controlled-release drug delivery system of chitosan hydrogel loaded with ketorolac and buprenorphine on oxidative stress indices and albumin changes in the experimental bone defect model was considered. Methods: After creating an experimental defect in the right tibia of each rat, 5 groups, including (A) the control group that did not receive any pharmacological intervention, (B) the chitosan hydrogel receiving group, (C) the group receiving chitosan hydrogel loaded with buprenorphine, (D) the group receiving chitosan hydrogel loaded with ketorolac, and (E) the group receiving chitosan hydrogel loaded with ketorolac and buprenorphine, were considered. Serum concentrations of antioxidant factors and albumin levels were then measured on days 0, 3, 7, and 21 after surgery.

Results: In the control group, the maximum amount of oxidative stress and the maximum activity of antioxidant enzymes on the third and seventh days were compared between the 4 treatment groups. Moreover, the maximum amount of albumin on the third day was recorded and compared between the 4 other treatment groups. In 4 treatment groups, a significant decrease was observed in the mean of parameters related to oxidative stress compared to the control group, which was more noticeable in the group receiving ketorolac.

Conclusion: In the present study, the highest rate of control of oxidative stress conditions was observed in the group treated with the ketorolac-loaded chitosan hydrogel system, possibly due to its antioxidant properties and better control of inflammatory conditions caused by the use of chitosan and ketorolac in this treatment group.

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Bone Frcature Healing Oxidative Stress Buprenorphine Ketorolac

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Javdani M, Khosravian P, Barzegar A, Hashemnia M. Evaluation of Changes in Antioxidant Factors and Albumin Level Following the Administration of a Controlled-Releasing Drug Delivery System of Chitosan Hydrogel Loaded with Buprenorphine and Ketorolac in an Experimental Bone Defect in the Tibia of the Rat. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2023;9(3):110-9.