Educational Corner

On robotic surgery in knee arthroplasty: Beginning of a new era


During the past two decades, the use of robotic arms in knee arthroplasty has moved from a concept into a reality. These systems promise precision and accuracy while shortening the required learning curve. Although still largely in the early stages, currently there are several commercially available platforms with varying degrees of autonomy and flexibility. The present study aimed to review the existing body of literature and provide an outlook of the current landscape.

IssueVol 10 No 1 (2024) QRcode
SectionEducational Corner
Robotic Surgery Arthroplasty Knee Replacement

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Sherafat Vaziri A, Javidmehr S, Same K, Babaei Nejad E, Vosoughi F. On robotic surgery in knee arthroplasty: Beginning of a new era. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2024;10(1):31-4.