Tibial Bone Loss: How to Treat without Circular Fixation?
Segmental tibial bone defects (STBD) represent a dilemma for the trauma surgeon; these defects could result from trauma, after debridement for infection, or after tumor resection. We aimed in this review to shed some light on the various reconstruction options without the need to use a circular fixator. Reconstruction options rely on various factors related to the patient, the surgeon, and the nature of the defect (location and size). Various reconstruction techniques include simple bone grafting (autograft or allografts), bone transport [distraction osteogenesis (DO)], induced membrane technique, and vascularized fibular graft. Fixation could be performed using either internal or external fixators; the latter could be a circular or a unilateral frame. Although circular frames (Ilizarov) fixators reported good results, they are still considered cumbersome, need special attention, carry pin tract infection risk, and could not be tolerated by patients. Hence, various other options were introduced, such as bone transport over an intramedullary nail (IMN), rail monolateral external fixator, and tibialisation of the ipsilateral fibula.
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Issue | Vol 9, No 1 (2023) | |
Section | Review Article | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/jost.v9i1.12561 | |
Keywords | ||
Tibia Bone Loss Reconstruction Ilizarov Technique |
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