Review Article

The Role of Spinopelvic Parameters in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Current Concept Review


The spine, pelvis, and hip are three anatomic structures that tightly interact to create spinopelvic mobility and harmony. Orthopaedic surgeons, both spine and hip specialists, must have a complete awareness of this concept. Recently, the literature has placed great emphasis on paying attention to these parameters in the preoperative planning of the total hip arthroplasty (THA). We could distinguish between balanced and unbalanced pelvis and spine with spinopelvic parameters and therefore, we could diagnose the spinopelvic stiffness that is important in preventing complications following THA. This review briefly introduces the importance of spinopelvic parameters and their critical role in THA outcome. Treatment algorithms are also provided based on the most recent studies.


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Pelvic Bones Diagnostic Imaging Spine Total Hip Arthroplasty Postural Balance Physiology

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Moazen Jamshidi MM, Moharrami A, Mirghaderi seyed peyman, Sharifpour S, Mafi AR, Mortazavi SJ. The Role of Spinopelvic Parameters in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Current Concept Review. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2022;8(2):40-3.