How to Prevent Distal Femoral Fracture Non-Union? Educational Corner
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1. Henderson CE, Kuhl LL, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh J. Locking plates for distal femur fractures: is there a problem with fracture healing? Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2011;25:S8-S14.
2. Henderson CE, Lujan TJ, Kuhl LL, Bottlang M, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh JL. 2010 mid-America Orthopaedic Association Physician in Training Award: healing complications are common after locked plating for distal femur fractures. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2011;469(6):1757-65.
3. Gardner MJ, Toro-Arbelaez JB, Harrison M, Hierholzer C, Lorich DG, Helfet DL. Open reduction and internal fixation of distal femoral nonunions: long-term functional outcomes following a treatment protocol. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2008;64(2):434-8.
4. Vaishya R, Singh AP, Hasija R, Singh AP. Treatment of resistant nonunion of supracondylar fractures femur by megaprosthesis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2011;19(7):1137-40.
5. David SM, Harrow ME, Peindl RD, Frick SL, Kellam JF. Comparative biomechanical analysis of supracondylar femur fracture fixation: locked intramedullary nail versus 95-degree angled plate. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 1997;11(5):344-50.
7. Davison BL. Refracture following plate removal in supracondylar-intercondylar femur fractures. Orthopedics. 2003;26(2):157-9.
8. Ebraheim NA, Martin A, Sochacki KR, Liu J. Nonunion of distal femoral fractures: a systematic review. Orthopaedic surgery. 2013;5(1):46-50.
9. Schuetz M, Müller M, Krettek C, Höntzsch D, Regazzoni P, Ganz R, et al. Minimally invasive fracture stabilization of distal femoral fractures with the LISS: A prospective multicenter study results of a clinical study with special emphasis on difficult cases. Injury. 2001;32:48-54.
10. Zlowodzki M, Williamson S, Cole PA, Zardiackas LD, Kregor PJ. Biomechanical evaluation of the less invasive stabilization system, angled blade plate, and retrograde intramedullary nail for the internal fixation of distal femur fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2004;18(8):494-502.
11. Kregor PJ, Stannard JA, Zlowodzki M, Cole PA. Treatment of distal femur fractures using the less invasive stabilization system: surgical experience and early clinical results in 103 fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2004;18(8):509-20.
12. Haidukewych G, Sems SA, Huebner D, Horwitz D, Levy B. Results of polyaxial locked-plate fixation of periarticular fractures of the knee. JBJS. 2007;89(3):614-20.
13. Vallier HA, Cureton BA, Patterson BM. Factors influencing functional outcomes after distal tibia shaft fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2012;26(3):178-83.
14. Lujan TJ, Henderson CE, Madey SM, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh JL, Bottlang M. Locked plating of distal femur fractures leads to inconsistent and asymmetric callus formation. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2010;24(3):156-62.
15. Consortium SF. LCP versus LISS in the treatment of open and closed distal femur fractures: does it make a difference? Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2016;30(6):e212-e6.
16. Hoffmann MF, Jones CB, Sietsema DL, Tornetta P, Koenig SJ. Clinical outcomes of locked plating of distal femoral fractures in a retrospective cohort. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. 2013;8(1):43.
17. Ricci WM, Streubel PN, Morshed S, Collinge CA, Nork SE, Gardner MJ. Risk factors for failure of locked plate fixation of distal femur fractures: an analysis of 335 cases. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2014;28(2):83-9.
18. Moloney GB, Pan T, Van Eck CF, Patel D, Tarkin I. Geriatric distal femur fracture: are we underestimating the rate of local and systemic complications? Injury. 2016;47(8):1732-6.
19. Rodriguez EK, Boulton C, Weaver MJ, Herder LM, Morgan JH, Chacko AT, et al. Predictive factors of distal femoral fracture nonunion after lateral locked plating: a retrospective multicenter case-control study of 283 fractures. Injury. 2014;45(3):554-9.
20. Rodriguez EK, Zurakowski D, Herder L, Hall A, Walley KC, Weaver MJ, et al. Mechanical construct characteristics predisposing to non-union after locked lateral plating of distal femur fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2016;30(8):403-8.
21. Steinberg EL, Elis J, Steinberg Y, Salai M, Ben-Tov T. A double-plating approach to distal femur fracture: a clinical study. Injury. 2017;48(10):2260-5.
22. Holzman MA, Hanus BD, Munz JW, O’Connor DP, Brinker MR. Addition of a medial locking plate to an in situ lateral locking plate results in healing of distal femoral nonunions. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016;474(6):1498-505.
23. Bergin PF, Tarkin IS, Kempton LB, Sagi HC, Hsu J, Archdeacon MT. Optimizing the Host in Fracture Surgery. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2019;33:S34-S8.
24. Brinker MR, O'Connor DP, Monla YT, Earthman TP. Metabolic and endocrine abnormalities in patients with nonunions. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2007;21(8):557-70.
25. Ihle C, Freude T, Bahrs C, Zehendner E, Braunsberger J, Biesalski HK, et al. Malnutrition–An underestimated factor in the inpatient treatment of traumatology and orthopedic patients: A prospective evaluation of 1055 patients. Injury. 2017;48(3):628-36.
26. Huang T-W, Chuang P-Y, Lin S-J, Lee C-Y, Huang K-C, Shih H-N, et al. Teriparatide improves fracture healing and early functional recovery in treatment of osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures. Medicine. 2016;95(19).
27. Johansson T. PTH 1-34 (teriparatide) may not improve healing in proximal humerus fractures: a randomized, controlled study of 40 patients. Acta orthopaedica. 2016;87(1):79-82.
28. Babu S, Sandiford NA, Vrahas M. Use of Teriparatide to improve fracture healing: What is the evidence? World journal of orthopedics. 2015;6(6):457.
2. Henderson CE, Lujan TJ, Kuhl LL, Bottlang M, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh JL. 2010 mid-America Orthopaedic Association Physician in Training Award: healing complications are common after locked plating for distal femur fractures. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2011;469(6):1757-65.
3. Gardner MJ, Toro-Arbelaez JB, Harrison M, Hierholzer C, Lorich DG, Helfet DL. Open reduction and internal fixation of distal femoral nonunions: long-term functional outcomes following a treatment protocol. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2008;64(2):434-8.
4. Vaishya R, Singh AP, Hasija R, Singh AP. Treatment of resistant nonunion of supracondylar fractures femur by megaprosthesis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2011;19(7):1137-40.
5. David SM, Harrow ME, Peindl RD, Frick SL, Kellam JF. Comparative biomechanical analysis of supracondylar femur fracture fixation: locked intramedullary nail versus 95-degree angled plate. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 1997;11(5):344-50.
7. Davison BL. Refracture following plate removal in supracondylar-intercondylar femur fractures. Orthopedics. 2003;26(2):157-9.
8. Ebraheim NA, Martin A, Sochacki KR, Liu J. Nonunion of distal femoral fractures: a systematic review. Orthopaedic surgery. 2013;5(1):46-50.
9. Schuetz M, Müller M, Krettek C, Höntzsch D, Regazzoni P, Ganz R, et al. Minimally invasive fracture stabilization of distal femoral fractures with the LISS: A prospective multicenter study results of a clinical study with special emphasis on difficult cases. Injury. 2001;32:48-54.
10. Zlowodzki M, Williamson S, Cole PA, Zardiackas LD, Kregor PJ. Biomechanical evaluation of the less invasive stabilization system, angled blade plate, and retrograde intramedullary nail for the internal fixation of distal femur fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2004;18(8):494-502.
11. Kregor PJ, Stannard JA, Zlowodzki M, Cole PA. Treatment of distal femur fractures using the less invasive stabilization system: surgical experience and early clinical results in 103 fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2004;18(8):509-20.
12. Haidukewych G, Sems SA, Huebner D, Horwitz D, Levy B. Results of polyaxial locked-plate fixation of periarticular fractures of the knee. JBJS. 2007;89(3):614-20.
13. Vallier HA, Cureton BA, Patterson BM. Factors influencing functional outcomes after distal tibia shaft fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2012;26(3):178-83.
14. Lujan TJ, Henderson CE, Madey SM, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh JL, Bottlang M. Locked plating of distal femur fractures leads to inconsistent and asymmetric callus formation. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2010;24(3):156-62.
15. Consortium SF. LCP versus LISS in the treatment of open and closed distal femur fractures: does it make a difference? Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2016;30(6):e212-e6.
16. Hoffmann MF, Jones CB, Sietsema DL, Tornetta P, Koenig SJ. Clinical outcomes of locked plating of distal femoral fractures in a retrospective cohort. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. 2013;8(1):43.
17. Ricci WM, Streubel PN, Morshed S, Collinge CA, Nork SE, Gardner MJ. Risk factors for failure of locked plate fixation of distal femur fractures: an analysis of 335 cases. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2014;28(2):83-9.
18. Moloney GB, Pan T, Van Eck CF, Patel D, Tarkin I. Geriatric distal femur fracture: are we underestimating the rate of local and systemic complications? Injury. 2016;47(8):1732-6.
19. Rodriguez EK, Boulton C, Weaver MJ, Herder LM, Morgan JH, Chacko AT, et al. Predictive factors of distal femoral fracture nonunion after lateral locked plating: a retrospective multicenter case-control study of 283 fractures. Injury. 2014;45(3):554-9.
20. Rodriguez EK, Zurakowski D, Herder L, Hall A, Walley KC, Weaver MJ, et al. Mechanical construct characteristics predisposing to non-union after locked lateral plating of distal femur fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2016;30(8):403-8.
21. Steinberg EL, Elis J, Steinberg Y, Salai M, Ben-Tov T. A double-plating approach to distal femur fracture: a clinical study. Injury. 2017;48(10):2260-5.
22. Holzman MA, Hanus BD, Munz JW, O’Connor DP, Brinker MR. Addition of a medial locking plate to an in situ lateral locking plate results in healing of distal femoral nonunions. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016;474(6):1498-505.
23. Bergin PF, Tarkin IS, Kempton LB, Sagi HC, Hsu J, Archdeacon MT. Optimizing the Host in Fracture Surgery. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2019;33:S34-S8.
24. Brinker MR, O'Connor DP, Monla YT, Earthman TP. Metabolic and endocrine abnormalities in patients with nonunions. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2007;21(8):557-70.
25. Ihle C, Freude T, Bahrs C, Zehendner E, Braunsberger J, Biesalski HK, et al. Malnutrition–An underestimated factor in the inpatient treatment of traumatology and orthopedic patients: A prospective evaluation of 1055 patients. Injury. 2017;48(3):628-36.
26. Huang T-W, Chuang P-Y, Lin S-J, Lee C-Y, Huang K-C, Shih H-N, et al. Teriparatide improves fracture healing and early functional recovery in treatment of osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures. Medicine. 2016;95(19).
27. Johansson T. PTH 1-34 (teriparatide) may not improve healing in proximal humerus fractures: a randomized, controlled study of 40 patients. Acta orthopaedica. 2016;87(1):79-82.
28. Babu S, Sandiford NA, Vrahas M. Use of Teriparatide to improve fracture healing: What is the evidence? World journal of orthopedics. 2015;6(6):457.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 4 (2019) | |
Section | Educational Corner | |
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Femur; Femoral Fracture; Fractures Bone |
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How to Cite
Sharifpour S, Moharrami A, Mortazavi SMJ. How to Prevent Distal Femoral Fracture Non-Union? Educational Corner. J Orthop Spine Trauma. 2020;5(4):103-6.